Forskning og publikationer

Retlige beslutninger ved domstole og anklagemyndigheder i Danmark og i udlandet

Min forskning og mine publikationer fokuserer på hvordan retlige institutioner, herunder domstole og anklagemyndigheder i Danmark og i udlandet, fungerer i praksis og særligt hvordan de træffer beslutninger.


Public Emotions in the Criminal Justice System (in Norwegain, Swedish and Danish). Co-edited with A. M. Frøseth and L. Grönning. Gyldendal Publishing. 2016.

Decisions to Imprison. Court Decision-Making Inside and Outside of the Law. (Book-series: Advances in Criminology). Ashgate Publishing. 2008.

Strafudmåling. Tekstsamling til kursusfaget (red.) Københavns Universitet. 2008.

Imprisonment. A Socio-Legal Study of Danish County Courts’ Decisions to Impose Immediate Imprisonment, University of Copenhagen.

Disciplinærregler, disciplinering og legitimering. Retlige disciplinære regler og sanktioner, som de anvendes i to danske arresthuse, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2001.

Peer reviewed artikler og rapporter

”Forudsigelse af skyld og straffastsættelse” Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab (2023), nr. 1, s42-68

Ensuring the rights of EU citizens against politically motivated Red Notices” til Europaparlamentets LIBE committee (2022).

Misuse of Interpol’s Red Notices and impact on Human Rights”
Research Report. European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights. R. Wandall, D. Suter, G. Ivan-Cucu. Bruxelles. 2019 ( )

“Structuring Criminal Sentencing through Public Prosecution Service”
in V. Colvin and P. Stenning (eds.) “The Evolving Role of the Prosecutor”. Routledge 2018.

“Identity, Example, Future”
SMMP & Ministério Público, Portugal.  2018.

“Questions pertaining to the Independent Functioning of Prosecution Services. Descriptive Comparative Report”
EMC & Open Society Initiative. 2018.

Victim Offender Mediation as Alternative to Prosecution”
NAAG Journal, vol. 2, issue 4. 2017.

The ‘Public’ in Public Opinion and legitimacy under increasing cultural diversity (in Danish. Book chapter in Rettsfølelsen i strafferettssystemet: perspektiver fra teori og praksis).
(co-ed w. Anne Marie Frøseth og Linda Gröning). 2016.

“Introduction: Public Emotions in the Criminal Justice System” (In Norwegian” (co-authored with Anne Marie Frøseth og Linda Gröning).
Book chapter in Rettsfølelsen i strafferettssystemet: perspektiver fra teori og praksis (co-ed w. Anne Marie Frøseth og Linda Gröning). 2016.

An efficient anticorruption sanctions regime. The case of the World Bank (co-author with T. Søreide and L. Grönning) The Chicago Journal of International Law. Vol 16 (2) p. 493-524. 2015.

Trust and Legal Governance
Journal of Law and Society. Vol 42 (2) p. 283-307. 2015.

Between Law and Public Emotions. The Criminal Justice System’s use of Public Emotions (In Norwegian)
(Co-auhtored w. A. M. Frøseth, L. Grönning, and J. T. Remøy).
Tidssskrift for Strafferett 2015, Vol. 2, 215-232.

“Researching Danish Law”, 1st to 4th edition
(co-authored with D. Veit & Rosendahl)
Hauser Global Law School, Globalex, p14. 2015, 2013, 2008, 2006.

Rule of Law, retsændringer og retskultur”Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab 2014 s. 277-282. 2014.

 “Empirical Descriptions of Criminal Sentencing Decision-MakingBergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice 2014; Vol. 2. (1) p. 56-68.

 “Rowan Cruft, Matthew H Kramer and Mark R Reiff (eds), Crime, Punishment, and Responsibility: The Jurisprudence of Antony Duff, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2011; 394 pp.
Punishment & Society (Book review) 2014.

“Traveaux Preparatoires and Criminal Sentencing”
(Forarbejder og strafudmåling) in Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen. 311-319. 2013

“Comparative Courts and Sentencing
in Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, chief-edited by Prof. David Weisburd and Prof. Gerben Bruinsma (442-451). 2013.

”Guiding sentencing decision-making through sentencing databases (Styring af straffen gennem domsdatabaser)”.
Nordisk Tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab, Vol. 2, 145-179. 2012.

 “Penal Orders, Confession-Triggered Summary Procedures and the Weakening of the Legality Principle”
Chapter in book: World Plea-Bargaining, Thaman, Stephen (ed.). University of Carolina Press. p201-230. 2010.

”Resisting risk assessment? Pre-sentence reports and individualized sentencing in Denmark”
in Punishment and Society. The International Journal of Penology,
12(3) 329-347. 2010.

”Straffastsættelsens retlige validitet og kontekstuelle åbenhed. Kommentar til Leif Petter Olaussen”
in Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab 2009, 81-85.

“Actuarial Risk Assessment. The Loss of Recognition of the Individual Offender”
in Law, Probability, and Risk. 5, 175-200. 2007.

“Words or Numbers. A Comparative Study of Equality in Sentencing” in Criminal Law Forum. 1-41, issue 1, Vol. XVII. 2006.

“Consensual Criminal Procedures: Plea and Confession Bargaining and Abbreviated Procedures to Simplify Criminal Procedure”
in Proceedings of the XVIIth Congress of Comparative Law. Utrecht 2006.
The International Academy of Comparative Law. 34p. 2006.

”Analytical Profile of the Legal Education in Denmark”.
Report for Graduate School, NYU School of Law. 10 p. 2005.

“Equality and Sentencing Guidelines. A Comparative Study of Sentencing Law in Minnesota and Denmark”
Hauser Global Law School Working Paper 03/05 (Peer reviewed). (ISSN 1553-1724). NYU School of Law. Chair: Professor Joseph Weiler. 2005.

“Women and Crime in Sweden in the Period 16th to 19th Century”
Report, University of California at Berkeley, July 2005. 63 p.

“Principper i Praksis”
Danmarks Domstole, Vol. 24, 2004.